5. Hinged Joint Stock Fencing

For suspension fencing.

Southern Wire Hinged Joint fences feature heavy galvanised high tensile wires, tighter joints and 2-way tension crimps, all designed to enhance the performance of this long established fence style, manufactured in Australia on modern machinery. All wires are heavy galvanised.


Product Options

Code Product Weight
4009 6/50/15 Hinged Joint - 250m 86kg
2015 6/70/30 Hinged Joint - 200m 74kg
2020 6/70/30 Hinged Joint - 500m 185kg
2025 6/90/30 Hinged Joint - 200m 75kg
2030 7/90/30 Hinged Joint - 200m 87kg
2035 7/90/30 Hinged Joint - 500m 218kg
2045 8/90/30 Hinged Joint - 200m 96kg
2040 8/90/15 Hinged Joint - 100m 63kg

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